Foraminal Disc Herniation Mild Degenerative Disc Disease. Mild Anterior Thecal Sac Indentations And Neural Foraminal Narrowing At C3-4?

Mild Degenerative Disc Disease. Mild Anterior Thecal Sac Indentations and Neural Foraminal Narrowing at C3-4? - foraminal disc herniation

Report Thehead RM said sections Zervikallordose. Vertevral alignment is normal. Mild scoliosis noted. Cervical discs are slightly hypointense on T2WI due to reduced fluid intake. The signal intensity of the bone marrow are normal. The cervical cord shows no signal strength of internal damage. The MC will be normal. C3-C4, C4-C5, C6-7 levels and a mild herniated disc posterolateral osteophytes cause mild anterior thecal C5 indentations.At SAC-6, is the height of the disc slightly reduced. Soft disc herniation and posterolateral ostephytes cause slight bleeding dural sac and slightly reduced bilateral foraminal nerve


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